The results are in, and we have our most popular articles for 2022! We’ve been busy this past year writing articles that we thought our customers, prospects, and leaders would find beneficial for the wood and integrated packaging industries. Thank you to those that have read and engaged with our work, we appreciate you all.

We have learned so much and had one of our best years yet in 2022 and we cannot wait to see what 2023 brings. Make sure to check in with all the awesome things we have planned for next year. But for now, here is a recap of the seven most popular articles for 2022.

Need help determining what you are seeing on your wood packaging? This article does a deep dive into ways to identify the differences between mold and staining that can appear on wood. Many times, discoloration can be caused by natural factors, such as the black stain that can form from the iron reacting with the enzymes in the wood. Read through this before you throw out your wood packaging with discoloration.

A standard pallet size is often mentioned by manufacturers, but there are actually a number of standard pallet sizes being used within different industries. Whether you are shipping within the United States or internationally, the standard size for pallets may vary depending on the materials used to make the pallet. Take a look at what the “standard pallet size” refers to and how the sizing may impact you and your business.

Like many other wood products, plywood has seen a rollercoaster of prices over the past couple of years. Plywood has a myriad of uses in the manufacturing, transportation, and construction industries. For us, it’s used to create the best quality packaging that we can. This article goes over the trends that led to plywood costs skyrocketing and what conditions need to be in place for it to get back to “normal.”

Does your business use plywood? Read further to see how dramatic changes in plywood prices affect you and your supply chain.

The International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM-15) is a set of international guidelines that regulate the wood packaging materials that are transferred during international trade. This is a global standard to reduce the risk of the introduction and spread of invasive pests. Currently, over 182 countries comply with the ISPM-15 guidelines.

If export lumber does not meet guidelines, you run the risk of shipping delays, having your products denied at the border, being charged a premium rate for fumigation, or worst-case scenario, having all packaging and products destroyed. We know that understanding the guidelines and regulations can be confusing, so we compiled all the frequently asked questions from our customers into an easy-to-read article. It is a must -read when working with export lumber!

If you’re not in the packaging and material handling sector, you may not know what a skid is or how it differs from a pallet. Fortunately, that is an easy question to answer! Skids and pallets are important packaging components that are used constantly and are important to maintain maximum efficiency in your supply chain.

Think you already know which is the stronger of the two? You might be surprised at the correct answer. Many purchasing and shipping managers find themselves in favor of one type of pallet over the other, but there are many things to consider when choosing what is right for your product. Pallets are an imperative part of keeping production lines going and safeguarding your products. Choosing the correct pallet design can make or break your shipments.

Dual sourcing is a term used when discussing a manufacturer’s supply chain. Many materials must be purchased to keep their products moving from production to consumer’s hands. Dual sourcing is the practice of using two different suppliers for any raw materials, service, or component. In this article, you will discover the pros and cons of single, dual sourcing, cross-sourcing, and multi-sourcing, to learn what would be best for you.

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