Suppliers generally are described as someone who buys goods in large quantities from manufacturers or distributors. They can store the goods in their warehouses or on their property until sold. Since the goods are bought in such large quantities, the supplier is able to give their customers lower prices.

Lumber suppliers provide lumber and other wood products to businesses the same way another supplier would. They buy big amounts of lumber, hardwood and softwood, from manufacturers or sawmills. This allows them to have lower prices for the customers they work with and have a vast selection of products. Take the time to vet and research your lumber suppliers before picking the one that is best for you and your business.

Who Works with Lumber Suppliers?

The short answer is anyone that needs lumber. The lumber suppliers can provide for the big box stores, the housing industry, lumber yards, industrial uses, the industrial wood packaging industry, and many others. The businesses that are working with lumber suppliers are often buying wholesale amounts to manufacture into another product to either sell or use.

Businesses within the industrial packaging industry can either buy from a supplier or become the supplier themselves.  Some packaging companies buy from suppliers that manufacture the lumber into pallets, crates, or other wood packaging products. Others will have relationships directly with the sawmills or distributors, so they can manufacture it themselves and sell to other businesses that do not have those relationships. In essence, cutting out the middleman and giving them more control over their products.

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7 Benefits of Working with Lumber Suppliers

#1 Communication

Communication between lumber suppliers and buyers is extremely important. Lumber suppliers are providing the product that will keep another business going. You must be able to know that they will keep you within the loop and get back to you in a reasonable time frame.

Choosing the size of the lumber suppliers you work with is important as well. Small lumber suppliers may have issues with consistent labor or a fiber shortage. Big lumber suppliers may not deal with those issues, but they have their own disadvantages. Big lumber suppliers may not be able to provide the care and attention you need. Communication could be affected when it is hard to get a human on the line instead of automated messages.

Mid-size lumber suppliers shine bright in this category because they are the perfect combination of the two. Less likely to deal with labor issues or fiber scarcity, but still able to take the time to meet your exact needs. Communicating with mid-size lumber suppliers is easier as well and you do not have to worry about getting lost in the system.

#2 Local Lumber Suppliers Make the Most of Your Time

You want to work with lumber suppliers that value your time and your business. It makes sense that you would want to work with someone that prioritizes your business and the products it needs to keep moving. Local lumber suppliers can make the most of your time because they have less logistical issues that could delay or deter shipments.

Working with lumber suppliers that are local to you will be the best for making sure your deliveries arrive on time and lessens the cost of transportation. This means that you have less to stress about. When you work with lumber suppliers in your region, you do not have to worry about your product being held at the border or getting delayed in the shipping process.

This is also important for JIT, or Just-in-Time, deliveries that you may need if you do not have the space to store all your products on site. Just-in-Time deliveries are deliveries that are done on a continuous basis, so that you always have stock, but do not have to keep all inventory on hand. Local lumber suppliers are the best for your JIT and inventory management needs.

#3 Lumber Quality and Selection

Lumber suppliers are going to have a wide selection of lumber and lumber grades. The first step is to determine what type of lumber you need for your business or project. Once you know what you need, you can talk to lumber suppliers about they have to offer and prices. If they do not have it on hand, they may be able to reach out to the sawmills or distributors to get it for you.

This is also important if you need any specialized lumber. Big box stores or small lumber suppliers might not be able to get or manufacture specialized lumber orders. Working with lumber suppliers opens opportunities to get exactly what you need instead of having to make it yourself. Saving you time and money.

Working with lumber suppliers opens opportunities to get exactly what you need instead of having to make it yourself. Saving you time and money. Click To Tweet

#4 Discounted Rates

When buying from lumber suppliers you are reaping the benefit of the supplier buying products in bulk orders. This helps them to keep their cost low and pass that on to their customer. If you buy bulk of their product, it will save you even more.

Keep in mind that lumber is a commodity that shifts in value quite often. The prices your lumber suppliers provide can change. That’s why it is important to work with lumber suppliers you trust to know that you are getting the best deal they can provide each time.

#5 Expert Knowledge

Going to big box stores can be hit or miss when it comes to whether the employee is fully versed in lumber and can provide you with the knowledge you need. When shopping with lumber suppliers, you are getting the experts within the field. There is so much inventory and differences between the lumber that is carried, the salespeople must be knowledgeable about what clients need.

Depending on your business, these experts can tell you whether you need industrial lumber, construction lumber, or hardwood lumber. Also, they will be able to tell you if you need treated lumber or anything specialized that would not be offered at other stores that sell wood products.

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#6 Volume

Working with lumber suppliers gives you more of an opportunity to buy bigger volumes of the products you need. Since they are also buying bigger amounts of lumber, they will have more to offer for you. Furthermore, if you need an amount that they usually do not carry, they can reach out to their sawmill or distributor to see if they can get the amount you need. Working with lumber suppliers gives you the flexibility to ask for specific things that work for your business structure.

#7 Trust

Trust is one of the most important benefits of working with lumber suppliers. They must be reliable and want the best for their customers as well as themselves. Once you have found someone you can trust, you can continue to foster the relationship and work towards improvements. This relationship could lead to innovation of the logistics of your business. The supplier can help you to streamline things that were not working as efficiently.

Lumber suppliers want to work with clients continuously, so they will work hard to make you and your business happy. This is good for their business, but also yours. When working with one supplier you will save more money because not as much is being lost in churn. You can work together to improve the services you are receiving and lowering the cost.

How Conner Industries Can Help

Conner Industries is a leading producer of industrial wood and packaging solutions. Specializing in pallets, crates, skid parts, integrated packaging solutions, and other services customized to what each customer needs.

We have thousands of different wood products, including wholesale lumber, panels, dunnage, banding groove, and pallet lumber. We have contracts with North America’s largest softwood producers, so that we can provide the best deal possible for our customers. Thus, providing you with anything and everything your business might need to get products where they need to go.

Reach out to us today to find out how we can help with all your lumber needs!

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